Milk vacuum pump

Vacuum pump is an important part of the milking machine, so the selection of a suitable vacuum pump and its working stability are directly related to the milk production, milk quality, the incidence of mastitis and milking efficiency.

At present, liquid ring vacuum pump and rotary vane vacuum pump are used in domestic pastures. The rotary vane vacuum pump is cheap and easy to install, but it has the disadvantages of high noise and high consumption of lubricating oil. The disadvantages of water ring vacuum pump are high power consumption, low efficiency and high noise Roots vacuum pump can be operated for a long time, with strong pumping capacity, high efficiency and no pollution, but its relative price is high. Once the vacuum pump breaks down, the whole set of milking equipment will be paralyzed, which will affect the milking of pastures and cause serious economic losses. Therefore, the selection of vacuum pump, milking equipment and pasture is crucial.

The milk vacuum pump has strong structure, high efficiency and is manufactured according to the most strict quality control standard. The drive shaft is robust and cast into the rotor. Equipped with large-scale bearings, it can ensure long-term trouble free operation. Each vacuum pump has a dual oil storage unit that provides fresh oil lubrication to ensure minimum wear. If the primary translucent oil bottle is empty, there is enough oil in the secondary reservoir to hold the vacuum pump for a longer time.

The milk vacuum pump has a frequency conversion control vacuum pump system, which is developed to provide only the vacuum needed for the operation of the equipment. When milking, the machine requires much less vacuum than when cleaning the machine due to air loss. The installation of the drive unit will manage the vacuum degree required by the machine, plus the individual pulse control on its ACR and electronic instrument system, the motor running the vacuum pump can save up to 47% of the power, greatly saving the environment and a lot of money.


How the milking system works

Milking system is divided into milking side and wave wheel side. When the power supply of the system is turned on, vacuum pump will generate vacuum everywhere, and the vacuum pump will exhaust the air in the system. When the cow is not connected to the milking system, the vacuum generated on the milking side and agitator side of the system will be the same. When the cow is connected to the milking system through the milking claw, there will be milk and vacuum on the milking side.

This will cause the vacuum on the milking side of the system to be slightly lower than that on the impeller side. The wheel side will never have milk, only vacuum or air.

The easiest way to understand a milking system is to see what happens at the milking cup level. There are 4 milk cups with lining. The area between the bushing and the claw is part of the wave wheel side of the system. The area between the nipple and the liner is on the milking side of the system. The wave wheel is a device located on the wave wheel line at the wave wheel side of the system. They alternately expose the area between the lining and the housing to air and vacuum.

When exposed to a vacuum, the lining is pulled apart, around the nipple and the milk flows. Milk flows because the nipple is in a vacuum.

When exposed to air, the liner will collapse around the nipple and the nipple will not be exposed to the vacuum on the milking side of the system, so the milk will stop flowing and the nipple will be stationary. This is the way cows milk. This kind of wave wheel action usually takes place about 60 times per minute.

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