What is the Main functions of a vacuum pump , please look the specific detailed introduction:
1, the limit of the vacuum pump pressure: the ultimate pressure of the pump unit is a Pa, refers to the pump in the inlet is equipped with standard experiment and according to the rules of operation, without the introduction of gas under the condition of normal operation, to secure the lowest pressure.
2, liquid ring vacuum pump, extraction rate, extraction rate of the pump unit is the m3 / s or l/s, is refers to the pump is equipped with standard experiment, and according to the rules when working conditions, the cover from the experiment through the flow of gas and location specified in the experiment to cover the balance of the measured pressure.Hereinafter referred to as the pumping speed of the pump.
3, vacuum pump swept volume: vacuum pump unit is a containment Pam3 / s or Pal/s.Refers to the pump inlet gas flow.
4, starting pressure of vacuum pump, vacuum pump start-up pressure units for Pa, it refers to no damage for pump priming and has the extraction effect of the pressure.
5, the first level of the pump pressure: front-end pressure of vacuum pump unit is a Pa, it refers to the exhaust pressure is lower than the export of an atmospheric pressure of the vacuum pump pressure.
Level 6, vacuum pump before the biggest pressure, vacuum pump mouth level before the biggest pressure unit is Pa, it is more than the level can make the pump damaged before the pressure.
7, the maximum working pressure of vacuum pump, vacuum pump’s maximum working pressure unit is Pa, it refers to the inlet pressure corresponding to maximum swept volume.Under the pressure, pump can have homework without deterioration or damage.
8, compression ratio, compression ratio refers to the export pump for a given gas pressure and the ratio of the inlet pressure.
9, coefficient of the ho: pump suction channel area on the practice of pumping speed and its pumping speed according to the molecular effusion accounting theory.
10, pumping speed coefficient: the practice of the pump pumping speed and inlet pump pumping speed according to the molecular effusion accounting theory.
11, reflux ratio, reflux ratio of pump unit is g/cm2. The s.It refers to the pump according to the rules, when working conditions through the pump inlet pump flow mass flow rate per unit area.
12, the amount of water vapor promise: water vapor promised amount unit is kg/h, it refers to the pump in the normal environment conditions, the gas ballast pump in successive operations can ejector steam mass flow rate.
13, maximum promised to import water vapor pressure: the biggest promise steam inlet pressure unit is the Pa.It is to point to in the normal environment conditions, gas ballast pump in successive operations can be the highest inlet pressure of water vapor ejector.
The above is the detailed introduction of main functions of a vacuum pump which, want to want to know the person vacuum pump or piston vacuum pump has certain help, welcome consultation to understand more details content.
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