What is the water ring vacuum pump

Water ring vacuum pump (the water ring pumps) is a rough vacuum pump, it can get the ultimate vacuum for the 2000 ~ 4000Pa, Series air jet up to 270 ~ 670Pa. Water ring pumps can be used as compressor, known as the water ring compressor, are low-pressure compressor, the pressure area was 1 ~ 2 × 105Pa table pressure.

The characteristics of the water ring vacuum pump

The characteristics of the water ring vacuum pump (1) short easy to repair the structure, compressed gas temperature is low, the exhaust temperatures are higher than the recent 10 to 15 degrees Celsius temperature, precisely because of this character, and thus vulnerable to an appropriate suction pressure to send flammable gas.

The characteristics of the water ring vacuum pump (2) wide area of practical and important use in the coal mine (pumping gas), chemical, pharmaceutical, mining, papermaking, food, beer, building materials, plastics, metallurgy, electrical and other industries.

The characteristics of the water ring vacuum pump (3) configuration motor, with respectively, heat exchangers, pipelines, valves, meters, electronic control device assembled together on a common chassis as a complete set of equipment applications.

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