Vacuum filling technology is one of the applications of vacuum pump in resin industry. What is vacuum filling process? The vacuum filling process means that the resin is filled by the force of vacuum. Place the material flat on the mold and introduce the resin after vacuuming. In order to achieve a complete vacuum, the resin penetrates into the layer layer by layer through the pipe. This process needs to be classified according to different manufacturers and materials. Next, EVP vacuum pump manufacturer will give you a detailed analysis of the advantages of the vacuum filling process and the role of vacuum pump in this process.
vacuum filling process advantages:
Compared with the traditional vacuum bag technology, vacuum filling has some improvement. The main advantages are as follows:
1. Higher resin fiber ratio
2. Reduce waste of resin
3. Consistency of resin use
4. Reduce preparation time
5. cleaning
The fiber resin ratio of vacuum filling process is better than that of vacuum bag process. The vacuum pump manufacturer will explain the reason in detail next.
The traditional hand paste process consists of 100% fiber and resin. The single resin is very brittle, so too many resins are actually more vulnerable. Vacuum bags can reduce this problem, but they can’t solve other problems. Vacuum bag method is a great improvement for hand paste, but it is still related to hand paste. Therefore, the rolling is always in saturation state. Vacuum pressure will suck out excess resin, but most of the removal depends on other factors, such as reinforcement, resin, time, etc.
The different way of vacuum filling is that the fiber is still dry when vacuum pump is used. Introducing resin through the force of a vacuum pump is better than inhaling excess resin from the beginning. No resin was introduced at the beginning of vacuum filling. In fact, the excess resin is output through vacuum tube, resulting in the introduction of only a minimum amount of resin, which reduces weight, increases strength, and maximizes resin and fiber savings. The parts can be formed into a very flat level by vacuum filling.
The amount of resin can be obtained by vacuum injection molding. When the amount of standard hand pasted resin changes according to the operation, the amount of vacuum injected resin is the same. Even in the manufacture of large products, the amount of resin is highly reproducible. The result is less resin waste and, more importantly, less wasted money.
Another important factor of vacuum filling time needs attention. The problem that often occurs is the time of vacuum filling. Many resins have a shelf life of about 30 minutes. Although some resins (such as epoxy) have a shelf life of 2 hours, even this time limit (shelf life) is also a key factor in vacuum filling. Large projects can easily reach the two hour time limit. When a vacuum leak occurs, even small and simple surface objects are not easy to find. When a vacuum bag is installed, the resin can flow between components.
There is no time limit for vacuum filling because the pressurized layer is still dry when vacuuming until all resins are completed. After the vacuum bag is installed, the leakage will be identified quickly, and if it is not suitable, it can be refilled and readjusted. Time does not stop until it is not filled with resin. You can’t make another change until that moment.
Finally, vacuum filling is a very clean process. The application of vacuum pumps in the resin industry does not require brush or tweezers or spray or spray. There is no need to open the mold and the saturated laminate will not fall by hand. In addition, this will reduce the smell of the resin. Because the smell of the resin is transferred from the container where the resin is stored. Vacuum filling is a clean, safe and good environmental process. Although it is still necessary to work in a ventilated environment, it is also important to wear protective equipment and safety equipment.
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